The Life of a Staffer

Staffers are scheduled for a 5 1/2 day, 48 hour work week. Even during your off time, however, you might find yourself wanting to check on kids around the boat dock, acting as a jungle gym for the Snoopers, or giving your fellow staffer a helping hand with a kayak or a stack of plates. During your regular work-week, about half of your hours are spent doing the specific job for which you are hired. For example, a counselor for the 9 to 10 year-old Chickarees works with that group 20 to 25 hours each week, a Hiking Leader will lead hikes into Desolation Wilderness, the Office Assistant will help run camp’s high-traffic guest experience area, and the Tennis Instructor will run tournaments, along with other scheduled components like Special Shifts. Staffers also spend time taking care of Camp working All-Purpose Shifts! Finally, Camp is a job after all, so everyone has weekly time off and gets paid! Check it out!

Here is a list of jobs we offer at Camp, plus room for you to create your own! 

The History of America in 60 Minutes was a play written and performed by members of the Summer Staff

Special Shifts

In addition to their specific job, each staffer works a number of special shifts. These shifts range from running the basketball tournament to leading a discussion on a book or topic of your choice to working in the camp store to playing your guitar to leading a Boatster Cruise. Check out Special Shift Descriptions for a more complete list of possibilities. If you have a creative idea that you do not see on the list, please feel free to create one and bring your ideas to your interview!

All-purpose Shifts

In addition to job-specific hours and special shifts, everyone's schedule includes a number of other tasks each week. Some of these tasks are routine and strenuous but are critical to keep Camp running smoothly. They include cleaning, serving meals in the dining room, making beds, and a host of other jobs. While these might not seem too exciting, former staffers will tell you that some of these less glamorous jobs are definitely their favorites. The staff thrives on encouragement and enthusiasm, regardless of what's on the schedule.

Time Off

Staffers have 1.5 days off per week, plus time off between shifts, to relax, play, learn, discover and more. Possibilities are endless at Fallen Leaf Lake! Whether you are a hiker, a reader, a wakeboarder, a singer, a crafter or a runner, you will find incredibly fulfilling ways to spend your time off at camp. Check out this page for more information about what staffers like to do with their time off! 


Get Paid

Compensation for the 12-week season, in addition to room and board, is approximately $564 per week before taxes. This equates to $6,768, before taxes, for the 12-week season. In addition to the weekly base pay, staff receive weekly tips from guests. The estimated weekly tip amount will be $440 per week before taxes. This equates to a tip amount of $5,280 for the 12-week season. The approximate total compensation is $12,048 for the summer before taxes between weekly pay and tips.

*Tip amounts listed above are based on 100% guest occupancy and are subject to change. Tipping is optional and at the discretion of the guest.*


Want to know more? Watch some short videos from former staff members!