Sage McGinley-Smith

Camp Experience: Ospreys Counselor (13-14 yr olds) 2023

Sage (’25) is so SO incredibly excited to be returning to Camp for Summer 2024, this time as the Kids Group Coordinator. Wohoo! She spent Summer 2023 as an Ospreys (13-14 year-olds) counselor, where her days were filled with paddle board headstands, crafting, and taking kids camping under the stunning Tahoe stars. When she wasn’t with the kids, she led guests in campfire songs, danced to Lady Gaga while scrubbing pots, and found every opportunity possible to jump in the lake. She truly could not imagine a place she would rather spend this summer, or a group of people she would rather spend it with. Back on campus, Sage’s interests range from learning 100 ways to cook tofu while living in Columbae to working in an infectious disease modeling lab. She studies Computer Science, and is particularly interested in applying CS to model climate change effects on public health. Outside of school, Sage is a member of Stanford Superfly, the women’s ultimate frisbee team, a community and sport she loves dearly. Growing up in Vermont instilled a deep love of the outdoors, so she takes every chance she can to find little adventures in and around campus. She is super happy to connect about any of those things (and more!) and answer any questions about kids counseling, age groups, Camp community, and/or just Camp in general! She can’t wait to connect with all the wonderful people Camp brings together—here’s to another magical summer!

Sierra Camp