A.J. Aldana

Camp Experience: Guppies Counselor (3-4yr olds) 2017, Ospreys Counselor (13-14yr olds) 2018, Ski Dock Instructor and Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion 2019, Interview Committee 2019-2020

📧 aaldana@stanford.edu

A.J. started his journey with Stanford Sierra Camp making a weekly appearance as Camp's Chief Mermaid and Guppies Counselor (3- and 4-year-olds) in the summer of 2017! He found himself drawn by the grace of Fallen Leaf Lake, the energy of his fellow staphers, and the love for work that came each day! A.J. returned to work at Camp as a Ski Dock Instructor in 2018 and as a Ospreys Counselor (13- and 14-year-olds) in 2019. He was on the Interviewing Committee both as a Coordinator for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in 2018 and as Ski Dock Head in 2020! After graduating from Stanford with a Degree in Engineering, Product Design, he joined wikiHow as a Visual Project Manager. At wikiHow, he worked with a team of creatives to illustrate, produce videos, and create inclusive animations with the goal that anyone who came to learn something new could see themselves in the articles. After a year-and-a-half chock-full of growth in a role that was mission-driven to help people learn new things every day, A.J. was called back to Camp to continue his Camp journey as Assistant Camp Director.

A.J. is so stoked to be back at Camp as AD! A California boy through and through, A.J. is originally from Temecula, California. He is amped to be living in Tahoe again, surrounded by gorgeous foliage and incredible creatures. You can find him searching for the next best coffee bean for his pour-overs, riding his bike around Tahoe, running trails in Desolation, reading, or plotting his next outdoor adventure. If you want to chat about life on the Lake, work at SSC, or anything and everything else that life has to offer, A.J. would love to connect!

Sierra Camp